Roman Arch
Keystone Bridge
Cut a piece of Roll to the desired size to the height you want for your arch or bridge
Use A4 paper to wrap the roll. Use sticky tape to hold it in place.
Trace around the top of the roll on the cardboard or hard paper. This will be the top part of the arch/ bridge that the keystones will rest on
Cut this out and attach to the top with glue tack
To create the Keystone Arch use either Play-doh, Clay, Fimo or polymer Clays
Roll out your desired material into a flat rectangular shape
Draw/ outline an arch on your chosen material using your pillars as a guide
Cut these out using your cutting tool (this can be a kitchen butter knife).
Join these together, they should naturally join. Place them gently onto the top of your pillars.
IMAGES by Hana Vasak.
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