Photo Practice Program

Photo Practice Program

IMAGE > Aishah Kenton, Untitled, From the series ‘Orchid’ (On-going), 2019. Image courtesy of the artist.

Join us for a 6-week photography program in which participants will build on fundamental photography skills to enhance further exploration of the medium.

Participants will gain an understanding of how to artistically control certain photography elements and explore a variety of camera techniques, with an emphasis on available light photography and how to creatively control it. The program will look at contemporary and historical practices, to educate and inspire participants. Participants will be asked to critique diverse contemporary practices, to further their understanding of the medium.

This workshop is designed for complete beginners as well as photographers and artists interested in further developing their camera skills.


WHEN > Every Wednesday, 6 March to 10 April 2024
TIME > 6PM to 9PM
VENUE > Linden Workshop Space, rear 26 Acland Street, St Kilda
COST > $300 (Discounted Rate)

If you have any access requirements, please check visit our access page. 

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(Nur) Aishah Kenton is a Singapore-born, Australian photographer, artist and educator. Having grown up in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Aishah graduated from the Australian National University in Canberra with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (2018), where she majored in photography at the School of Art and Design. 
Aishah’s current artistic practice examines contemporary and archival analogue photography, with her practice based research resulting in photographs that examine personal, social and cultural life experiences. Collaboration is also often at the forefront of her practice. 
Aishah is one half of KENTON/DAVEY, the other half being her husband and fellow photographer, Sean Davey.

This Program is supported by the Robert Salzer Foundation.