Virtual Opening Linden Postcard Show 2021-22 & Anna Hoyle

Virtual Opening Linden Postcard Show 2021-22 & Anna Hoyle
IMAGES > Linden Postcard Show 2020-21. Photograph: Theresa Harrison Photography. > Anna Hoyle, Books, 2021, gouache and acrylic on paper & wood. Image courtesy of the artist. > Linden Postcard Show 2020-21. Photograph: Theresa Harrison Photography. > Anna Hoyle, Your Choc-Mint Pelvik Floor, 2021, gouache and acrylic on paper & wood. Image courtesy of the artist. 

Paul Duldig, Chair & Melinda Martin, Director together with the Board and team of Linden New Art invite you to the virtual opening of:

+ Linden Postcard Show 2021-22 &

ON Friday 3 December 2021, from 6pm 
LIVE  on YouTube & Facebook
EXHIBITION CONTINUES until Sunday 27 February 2022 

Winners of the Linden Postcard Show 2021-22 will be announced from 6pm.

An Auslan Interpreter will be part of this event and for those who require live captioning, please join the Facebook live stream, which provides this service. The links will be sent to you prior to the event. When you are ready, join us by clicking one of the links below.

Live on Facebook Live on Youtube

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