Innovators 2

3 July 2010 > 1 August 2010

IMAGE > Dane Lovett, Blow Out, Installation view.
Photograph >  Dean McCartney.

Be bold

Innovators 2 explores old and new technologies and the spaces between. A diversity of media and approaches feature from the collaboration between photographer Siri Hayes and musician Eve Duncan to Dane Lovett’s silk screens containing images gleaned from his first-hand experience and second hand sources such as blogs, magazines or e-Bay.

The exhibition theme has been approached in various ways from analogue and digital systems converging in Georgie Roxby Smith’s, Dystopian Glitch to Chris Bennie’s A Wee Sunset, contrasting the beauty of a dust laden orange sky with the silhouette of the artist's own urination. Bennie revisits boyhood games with reverie and the profane becomes a playful critique of the sublime. Devon Atkins work addresses periphery describing a constant tension between the periphery and the immediate, the past and present and the present and the future. The ever-distant horizon line is a constant theme in her installation work. Sarah crowEst’s collection of forms tenderly agglomerates the excess, the mute and the suggestive in objects that are discarded in public spaces.

Chris Bennie > Visit website
Dane Lovett > Visit website
Georgie Roxby Smith > Visit website
Siri Hayes > Visit website
Eve Duncan > Visit website 
Sarah crowEST > Visit website
Devon Atkins > Visit website