Nobody Knows

Michelle Hamer’s exhibition I'm a Believer gives voice to the silenced and sheds light on the overlooked experiences of those whose chronic health issues have been marginalised. Many of us have experienced, or know someone who has experienced, the dismissal of chronic health issues.

Nobody Knows invites you to anonymously share your own experience, or that of a loved one, regarding dismissive language, disbelief, and gaslighting within the patient-doctor-community relationship of underdiagnosed and chronic health conditions. Please use the form below to type your story or, if you prefer, upload a photo or PDF of a handwritten version. Submissions in any languages and written forms are encouraged. 

At the conclusion of the exhibition, these stories will be given to the artist to be incorporated into an ongoing extension of this project, in the shape of a limited edition artist book.

Nobody Knows is an evolving communal art project, urging us to reimagine social contracts, challenge biases, and scrutinise the language we use. It serves as a record and platform for collective reflection, expression, and aspirations, as well as a space for sharing stories and knowing that you are not alone.

Please upload or type your story, or that of a loved one, regarding dismissive language,
disbelief, and gaslighting within the context of chronic health issues below (any languages
and written forms are encouraged):

Upload a PDF, Word Doc, or a photograph of handwritten story (optional):