7 September > 10 November 2019
Opening night: Friday 6 September, 6-8pm
IMAGE > Simon Finn, Breath-hold dwelling [installation view], 2019.
Image courtesy of the artist and MARS Gallery. Photograph: Theresa Harrison Photography.
Be brave
Simon Finn creates multimedia installations, including video, drawing and sculpture that are informed by his professional experience in
Architecture, visualisation and freediving. Finn is interested in mapping the impact of various forces within oceanic and man-made
environments. He harnesses physics, technology and emotion to generate images of hypothetical destruction and regeneration. For Breath-hold
dwelling, Finn will present a proposal for an underwater structure, that represents the relationship between human life and the ocean, our
fragility and our potential for adaptation. Finn is a sessional lecturer and resource developer at Deakin University and RMIT (Specialised
Communication in the School of Architecture), where he is also currently a PhD candidate in Art.
View the eCatalogue
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