Linden Projects Space

Applications to exhibit are now closed.

IMAGE > Elise Cakebread, Gathering Dust, installation views, 2023. Image courtesy of the artist. Photograph: Michael Quinlan.

Linden Projects Space is a purpose-built gallery space dedicated to providing artists and curators of all career-levels a supportive environment to test their ideas, experiment, and exhibit their work.

Programmed each year by an open and equitable proposal call-out process, Linden Projects Space presents a diverse, free-to-visit, rotating exhibition program of solo, collaborative, and curatorial projects. We welcome proposals for projects that are critically-engaged, conceptual, cross-disciplinary, site-responsive, participatory, challenging, innovative, and discursive.

Since the Linden Projects Space opened in 2019, we have provided critical support for early-to-mid career practitioners through professional development resources, curatorial mentorship, and audience engagement to realise quality projects. By affording artists the freedom to explore, experiment and take risks with their work, the Linden Projects Space expands the sphere of contemporary practice, championing emergent forms of art making and critical exchange.

+ Read the Exhibitor Kit

To explore the space look at the floor plan.

+ View the shows

Exhibitors at the Linden Projects Space receive:

> a four-week exhibition;
> an opening reception event with fully licensed bar;
> professional installation assistance, access to tools and resources;
> an artist talk, workshop or public program facilitated by Linden;
> targeted media and marketing; curatorial support; exhibition insurance;
> basic installation photography;
> and support with grant applications and fundraising.
The hire fee for the Linden Projects Space is $1,700 (including 10% GST). Linden Projects Space does not take a commission -
100% of proceeds from artwork sales go to the Exhibitor. Exhibitors living and/or working in the City of Port Phillip are eligible to apply for project funding through the Cultural Development Fund program.

Visit the 360 gallery

For further enquiries please contact: 
T >03 9534 0099      E >