
After Dark At Luna Park Photo Book

$25.00 AUD
Approx $15.55 USD

Product Code: AfterDarkAtLunaPark


After Dark at Luna Park (2023)
Photographs by Atem Atem, AJ Barton, Kay Suresh, Shelley Xue, Liam James & Sean Davey
76 pp
Digitally printed with soft-cover
Printed by Little Print, Melbourne, Australia

The photographs in this book were made in the winter of 2023 by Atem Atem, AJ Barton, Kay Suresh, Shelley Xue, Liam James & Sean Davey. The photographs were made during a black & white film photography workshop for teenagers, facilitated at Linden New Art, St.Kilda, Melbourne. The eight-week workshop was funded by City of Port Phillip.